Monday, November 24, 2008


Blog?  What blog?

I've been neglecting any sort of written expression aside from doodling incoherent messes on test papers and post cards; why?

I've come to the conclusion that I'm figuratively constipated.  I have too many things buzzing around my brain and not enough nets to catch them in.  With me being on Winter Break for the next month or so I think I should have sufficient time to get my fleeting thoughts in order.

For now, I'll just poet you something.  Yes, poet is now a verb.

Absurdly apparent, you try and hide,

covering and mocking yourself, full of pride.

Reveal what you truly feel,

hurt and angst, 

stop with the bullshit, tired, child pranks.

Waxing and waning, emotions on high,

up and down she goes, though she never ever cries.

Wham, bam, thank youuu ma'am

From now on I am aware of my Textual Activity Blog and will post more often... and because of this I'll feel less constipated.  Thank Heavens, capital H.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Completely Unaware

I was completely unaware that I had a blog until today when Mr.Parson's painstakingly reminded me that I hadn't updated since March... obviously, he is my only reader.

This week I've felt an overwhelming sense of work and stress that was beyond my control, but today during Spanish I began to understand how to counterbalance said stress by working through my tiring load at full speed and when I got done, yes I was exhausted but I felt really good about the work I had accomplished.  Sr. also validated these "levels" of stress without patronizing me so that was really nice. Tonight I plan on continuing my studying streak by heading a el Borders to check out some AP books and whathaveyou, maybe knock out some SEAP legalities as well.  (Don't even get me started on SEAP, I feel it's completely inconsistent and serves only one purpose, it enables students to procrastinate and teaches us to BS even more so than we already do.)

Other than the above things I feel very thankful for everything right now, even though sometimes I can't pick out the positive things in my life I'm still so thankful for having a life to live, a house, food and clothes... this rice bowl project has touched me and hopefully it has touched the people involved. ...I found a non-profit organization that supplies willing participants with plastic containers to collect change in, shaped like rice bowls, to benefit starving peoples in Indonesia, Nicaragua, Northern Africa, pick your region. I'm just glad that the choir is finally following through with our mission statement and goal by giving back.  :)  It helps me feel like a better person at least.  Hopefully in the future I can be an independent philanthropist and anonymously give money to charities willy-nilly.  That's like a life goal of mine; that and to atone.  :) 

Say a prayer for me, these next few weeks will be hard for all of us, AP tests, performances, graduation... these are stressin' out times. 
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Cheap Emeralds and Death

For my birthday this year I've made it clear to my family that I would like a ring or something to the birthstone effect for 'heirloom' purposes... let the games begin. Today, Ma and I went gem huntin' in the mall and out of all five corner jewelers we went to the least reliable and found a pretty lil' winner. On sale, ha ha, in all of it's tri-emerald glory... here's the catch, I do not want a synthetic emerald... picky, picky, I know, but I still want a dark colored stone. (The darker the natural emerald the more rare it is, that translates to 'puts a whole in your wallet') The ring we found was beautiful nonetheless, but the stones were very light in color... whatever, it's pretty and I want it.

Now for the death portion of my blog: everyone is dying. My mom's cousin croaked, my grandpa's brother passed away today, my great grandma is on the verge and my aunt has had death knocking on her door since she was first diagnosed with breast cancer. I am so glad that I've already come to terms with tragedy so far in my young life... just say a prayer for my fam, I don't know how many more sympathy wreaths we can afford to shell out.

Friday, March 21, 2008

So excited.

leonardo_dicaprio1.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Susan, you should be too. This movie looks so cute!  'Tis called Revolutionary Road, starring the dynamic duo of DiCaprio and Winslet, last seen together, as all of you should know, in Titanic.  Trailers haven't been released yet but claims that this movie is based on a Richard Yates novel about a young couple from the Northeast raising their children in the fifties.  :)  Set to come to theaters in December.  Yay!  My prediction is that it won't do super well Box-Office wise but I'm sure that critics will be all over this simply because of the hype between the two stars and some of their fan-followers.  Nonetheless, I'm excited and I know that Susan should be too.  Tee hee. 

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Speling Errers in Porfessional Settins

You just can do it.  ... you just can't.  I pride myself in having vurry few spelling errors even in things as trivial as texting and whilst IM-ing.  Example: I could say "Sup?"  instead of "What's up?" but I much more prefer to say the latter. It's acceptable to spell certain things wrong in everyday written conversation or in the "blogosphere" but when you're constructing a website for your professional aspirations I'd like to think that humanity would want to take much more care in their spelling and typing errors.  AH!  Peeeeeeve.

The word problem doesn't have two Ms as shown: promblem.  I don't think that's a typo, and it's on a "professional" website, in bold print, as a headline.

Simply because I've ridiculed someone else's spelling issues I'll begin to experience some sort of other embarrassing grammatical issue. 

Shit. :)

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Can We Discuss Something?

This "we" I am referring to may only just be me... flip the 'W', I'll be fine.

Can we discuss how funny Maria Bamford is? I am giving ALL credit to Ashley Wuerth and Claire Whitaker for telling me about this gem. Yes, she does "voices" like lots o' comedians but she's a different breed of comedienne. She's pretty and not a lesbo. (muahha ha aha) In all sincerity, this woman is the shiz-nasty.

Check out her webisodes as well... just go through her website,

Love her.

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blogging Has Left My Building

In all honesty... I forgot that I even had a blog for an entire week.  :/ Maybe that's why I've been more stressed out than usual; I haven't vented all that much.  Let's capture everything in a nutshell using bullets:

- By Request Camp - super fun... you should check out the Facebook video, it's on my profile.  The video is what sums up camp in a concise lil' 3-minute vignette.

- OMEA Preparation -  I haven't been doing as much as some people but I feel as the the "Ohio Music Education Association" Adjudicated Event nears more and more hair is falling out.  This is the first time in a long time that Glen Este is hosting such a magnificent event and I do believe that it's trying everyone, mentally and emotionally.

- The Newly Developed Snow Storm that's headed our way I am suuuuper excited about.  Yes, I am sick of the snow and just want summer to be here but I am NEVER sick of potential days off.  Best case scenario: we have a snow day tomorrow but can still host OMEA that night and the next day.  Ah, beautiful.

-The OGT - I LOVE MY SCHOOL. As the sophomores are trying to graduate by taking a proficiency test, us Juniors and Seniors will be sleeping in... we do not have to report to first bell until 10 o'clock EVERYDAY next week. Can I get a hallelujah?!

Short post, I'm tired, I'll be more thorough at a later date. 


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